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Monday, October 02, 2006

Fortune Flower Seeds STOLEN ??!!

This was how the seed looked like

Just back from Grandma's funeral and guess what I found at the house porch? NOTHING !!!
The flower seed which was growing is MISSING !! STOLEN !!

Who the mothafucka did this will be cursed to be hit be a truck. No, he/she won't die there & then, just lie in vegetative state while the seeds from my flower continue to grow !!!

Now I will never know when the next one will grow.

29th September 2006: The Passing

Grandma (pix taken 17/09/2003)

Bidor, Perak, Friday 29th September 2006.

The passing of Grandmother.

Rest in peace, Grandma. You will be missed.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Mini Me 31/05/06

How about this for a mini Anthony Khor Dean June?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Langkawi 2004

The trip was wonderful. Was worth the wait.