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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Darren's 2nd Birthday Celebration at Dean's Residence, USJ - 7th June 2008

"Yum yum", like Gavin said. It's true !!

Lights la...


Garrick wished the cake was his

Darren still needs practice to blow out the candles!!

Garrick getting a go at Darren's present from Dean's family

Check out the setup at Dean's house, balloons, candlelights, blinking lights & soft pub music, courtesy of Dean's family.

Thanks to Dean for the pizza from Shakey's, KFC and drinks. Thanks to Kuan for the satays, cake and special curry-pillow dumplings ala father-style. U guys are da man!!

Presents from parents - a Thomas Train set, from Kuan - a construction set. Thanks y'all.

Also, thanks for throwing in the kids to add to the chaotic effects.