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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Darren caught fever

Poor kid was sticking to me like glue on Monday. Loss of appetite and flu over last weekend suspiciously looks like a bout of fever.
Took him to Dr Seong for checkup. Confirmed sore-throat.
Medicine for the throat, flu and fever were given.
Grandma took care of him on Tuesday. Seems like his normal active self now.
But woke up at 6.30am on Wednesday morning crying for Grandma. How he knows I'm sending him back to nursery today? haha he knows.
At the nursery, reminded Ms Phan to give him the medicines for sore-throat and flu only by noon. Don't want him to feel drowsy whole day.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Raining Cats And Dogs

Last Friday was raining very heavily. The road outside in-laws' residence was flooded to knee length. House not affected though.
On the way back to home with Darren, took the road thru the Tanah Putih traffic light, to Jln Wong Ah Jang and Kampung Tengah. Didn't cross my mind the Kg Tengah road was partially flooded. No wonder cars avoided the later stretch of this road. Even a 4WD ahead of me also turned right out of this road.
The water covered the full wheel on my Kenari. I stuck to gear two, did not stop and maintained slow speed. When I saw a Wira dead in the waters ahead, I turned left into the Kampung residence and came out to Kampung Jawa road. Home-free!!
Luckily it was a Kenari, if my SEG, sure to get stuck in the waters.
The next day, found that the Kenari's number plate was ripped off by the flood water. A little bit of junk like leaves and a straw was sticking to the radiator grill. Replaced the number plate for RM12.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Nursery - 3rd Day

Today is the 3rd day Darren was placed at Little Friends Nursery.
The 1st day we left him without properly informing him. So when his grandma went to fetch him, I guess he missed them and home, and cried when he saw them.
He did not eat well, probably picky, and went to grandma's house and finished a whole quarter of a mooncake. Also finished a bowl of rice powder and a bottle of milk.
Looks tired at night. A bit grumbly though.
The 2nd day, he was a bit blur and excited to attend the nursery among other children and play toys. No problem dropping him off. Said goodbye as usual.
He ate quite well although needs some spoon-feeding. Slept well but maybe 2 hours not enough. Still grumbly and sleepy-looking.
But today, when drop him off, refused to go. Throws tantrum. Hurriedly said goodbye while the teachers carried him off.
He cried at first but later play with other kids but with a few bouts of shoutings.
All this are expected on a different environment and among unknowns. Takes time.
hahaha Darren's grandpa felt heartache of his crying and fetched him home at 3pm.