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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

HSBC Credit Cards

I received my card statements few weeks back with annual renewal fees charged. Since I hardly use the HSBC cards, plus I have other cards in toll, I decided to cancel them.
I called the HSBC toll-free number 1-300-88-1388 and it answered with a fake human voice, requested me to enter my card number and my request option. I chose to speak to the officer. I hold and waited, and after numerous attempts, I was happy to finally speak to somebody of my own species.
I told the guy I would like to discountinue my service. Upon a short checking, I was told I am NOT ABLE to cancel the cards because I did not use it for at least 12 times a year!! Nor was he able to waive my annual fee. This is for my Mastercard. I'm like 'what the f...!!'
Now, my Visa has a two cents debit and he is unable to do anything to it either.
I am instructed to go to the nearest HSBC branch to complete my task. Alrighty, there I went to the branch. After rounding the damn busiest area in town for 45 minutes looking for a parking space, I decided to slot in a non-designated space.
Got my queue number and waited about 1 minute, I approached a Customer Service officer. Told her my predicaments of the call I made to their toll-free number, and her blank expression replied expecting me to blow my top. All I have to do was to sign twice on the forms and she cut the cards there. Voila! Done in 4 minutes.
Today received a call from HSBC KL, some Queenie lady apologising for the hassle I went through to cancel my cards. She hopes I continue using their cards with the annual fees waived for 5 years, since other banks mostly waived the fees altogether. It's free, what the hell!!
Now wait for the cards lah.