Items For Sale - Items In Need Of Owners

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fong Fei Kei (Airplane Fly-By)

This WAS how the old entrance to the outlets look like. Down is Kampung Restaurant. Forward to Fun Pub Cocco Loco and Italian Bistro. It will never look the same again.

Came to work at 2.30pm yesterday (Sunday la !!!) hoping to setup POS machines for F&B outlets Fun Pub (renamed FLOW, how un-original!!) and Italian Bistro, after expected completion of renovation yesterday.
One look at Flow and anybody can see that it'll take at least another day to complete, including cleaning-up. The best thing are the fridges and post-mix machines are not installed yet. How's this for planning??
Looks like the big guys have not learnt from Kampung Restaurant renovation last year. That rush job to meet the deadline resulted in half-cold equipments, with malfunctions, disconnected power points and no gas supplies. I waited for the contractors to install the power points till midnite and when they were not done yet, I go sleep la. Early next morning, our mat salleh GM took a look and saw the POS machine is not on and I was laid on the chopping board. The thing is they FORGOT about the power point for the machine. Sheesh!
Yesterday, even network points are not terminated. The network cabling contractor only managed to terminate a few points, with only Bistro up and running, of course only one POS machine is needed there. So this is the only machine I setup yesterday. Even the holes on the table needed for the cables are not fully drilled through.
Today to setup POS machines for Flow.
Today expected the Front Desk counters to complete their renovation and to setup 3 PCs for Trial Run.
Fuyoh! Back-to-back setup. Looks like another long night!