Items For Sale - Items In Need Of Owners

Thursday, February 12, 2009

OCBC Titanium MasterCard

OCBC Credit Card Story 1
I used to own an OCBC credit card I applied during my Muar days, years ago, until I cancelled it on January 2007. I did not swipe it even ONCE!!! It was free for five years what.
But I do remember when I got to the bank and mentioned to the Customer Service rep of my intention, she requested for a personally signed letter requesting the bank to cancel my card!!?
I mean, don't these big (I think) international banks have standard forms for card requests? What if a customer wants to change his address? "Write-la a personal letter to us and we will update our system". Aiyoh!!
Anyhow, wasted my time;
1. going there once
2. go back
3. draft a stupid letter
4. print out
5. John Hancock
6. go back to OCBC
7. submit my letter
8. hand over the card
9. she cut the card
10. thank you (in my heart, "f*ck you")
11. got my ass out of the bank

That was E A S Y enough. 

OCBC Credit Card Story 2
Late last year, I received an OCBC Titanium card. Knowing I will never used it, I did not bother to activate it.
Then I received a statement charging me RM250 for annual renewal fees!!?? This time I called their toll-free number and requested for cancellation of the card.
Simple enough;
1. they faxed over a form
2. I filled in my particulars
3. ticked my reason - to CANCEL card la
3. John Hancock
4. faxed it over
5. no need 'thank you'